The Independent-Record from Helena, Montana (2024)

T11U DAILY INDEPIilNDENTi HELENA, WEDNESDAY HORNING, JUNE 5. 1BH3 Nc More Back Ache, Mn Julian Ralph Hat Bean Visiting tht Sag and la Striking; Hit Trail In Many Placet, IV, 1- v. WRITES or JOTHER NEWSPAPER MEN. I 1 i An Impcful ftsppr king Whota Cablad Ukase Wat Not Obayod by tha 1 Recipient OFFER week a largo lino ot Silk and Dress Goo Je Remnants at decided Also a Una ot flat Wool Dress Patterns pYloes. Bsaldeo many other attractions la other depart-menu lnoludlog a vary attraollve line ot Ladles Duok Suita down tor this occasion also fast Blaok Sstteeo Skirt Sstteen Wrappers at 3160, In tha oelahrated W.CC.

Const, tha latest and moil 1 A ot our JaokeU and Wraps to oloeed out at a great 1 large and oomplsta and at tha lowest prices to ha obtained I 1 CLARKE. I I ,0 Of the following high grade Whiskeys and we are selling them at such ridiculously low prices that you cant fail to buy of us wheti you have gotten our price: 1 M. V. Monarch, spring 1880 and 1SS7. Nelson Bourbon, spring 18S0.

Ilerpitage, spring 1886. Old Crow, spring 1890. Bond Lilard, spring 1887 and 1891. W. H.

McBreyer, spring 1887. 1 James E. Pepper, spring 1887. Gukenheimer Rye, spring 18S7 and 1891. Old S.

Taylor Son, spring 1891. Woodford Bourbon, spring 1892. Write fo price list on above goods. i We also have a large stock of 1 California Wines Which we will sell at San Francisco prices. Port, Sherry, Angelica, Muscatel, Claret and Zin fan del GutedeL You will be astonished when you see our prices, ti We also have a very large Stock of CIGARS Which we will sell below eastern prices.

Give us a trial order and be convinced. i ri I i Mr they 'must produce enormous papers, filled with novelties. They must oilg. Inate such articles as What Ju Millionaires I)i earn, or Th Largest Leg Now Before the I'ublle, or The Grandmothers of Famous Men, or A List of the Actresses Who Have Had Man) Than 3'hree Husbands, They muht break own all piivaey, lldioule science, emit at religion, ventilate all the vice, aggrandise the notoriety seekers, inuko fun pt refoi ms, invent bogus news and get genuine news hy the methods of eavesdropper and burglars. Well, I have strayed a far ery from Mr, Fields column In hla paper, and Jut aa far from a consideration of th dlf-Hcultles that attend tha production of a newspaper Hkn this, but I have not exaggerated in the least the task that the newspaper king cabled me to take charge at ones.

I These newspaper magnates of to-day are singular beings far more singular than their newspapers. 1 read of ono tha other day who Is said to have declared that he would have no man In his employ that he could not swear at." do not know whether he ever said that or not, but I believe he has no man in Ms employ at whom he does not swear. And he la not alono In that exquisite quality, for he has a powerful rival who, If all accounts aro true, descends to vile and violent abuse of those who are nearest to' him whenever he Is cross or his brehkfast disagrees with him. I can tell the gentle reader this fact that he can rely upon: When the day comes that a new Frederick Hudson writes a later history of dally Journal Ism he will pen an absorbing chapter upon the lives and characteristics and habits of the Imperial speculators who Invented and elaborated sensational Journalism. that day comes and Is not far off, for the disease must soon run Itself out he will tell a tale that will make the story of ldonto Carlo seem trifling and poor.

He will tell of men whose palaces are scattered all over Europe and America who have as many secretaries and valets aa there are choir boys tn a cathedral, who use brains and men as If they were fa*gots or cheap lead pencils, who dare to threaten presidents and governors, who hold ne law or custom sacred and no privacy worthy of regard. These men are among the most notable developments of our land and age. They are not creatures of luck nor are they the beneficiaries of the able men they employ. Every now and then some man under them fancies himself the maket of their fortunes. He dreams that hs can do for himself what he thinks ho has done for his millionaire publisher.

He tries It and in every Instance every such man has failed lamentably and quickly. No, this new breed of publishers who have gone Into newspaper work, who print unedited, edltorluss papers, are no butterflies or drones or Idlers. The publlo hears of their yachts and coaches and palaces, and thinks them pampered swells. Their own employes (those who are not close enough to them know better) fancy it is "the boys who are doing all the money making for th But the new history of Journalism will tell a different story. It will tell of the overthrow of the editor of old, of the casting out of the old Idols called principle" apd policy" and "leadership" and educational work." It will tell Of the raising Up In their plaoes of the publlsher-speo-ulator who caters to the masses, to the frivolous, to the lower tastes and pat Ions of mankind, and who runs his paper for money, Just as the Big Four of California ran their great railroad.

How able these magnates must be, how fertile and Ingenious and Irrepressible and forceful you shall all read some day, and the whole story will he glided with accounts of barrels of gold, flashing with references to Jewels, lubricated with the red Initials of the men who have broken down under the strath put upon them by these men and glorified with tales of hobnobbing with princes and senators, of coaching and yachting, and of roaming about from one palace to another, much os Theodore Tilton used to roam about from bed to bed all over hts bouse when hIS mighty brain kept him from sleeping like an ordinary Christian. JULIAN RALPH. Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of headache. Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best.

It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headache yields to Us Influence. We urge all who are afflicted ttCprocure a bottle and give this remedy fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Electric Butters cures by giving the needed tonic to the bowels, and few cases long res'st the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only 54 cents at Parchen Drug company's drug Btore.

That Little "If." Springfield, June 3. Gen. Bush-nell, dn ap interview to-night said, regarding his attitude towards McKinley: I am for McKinley for president tn 1896. If he is Ohio's candidate, and he will be, I will stand by him." tj i 4 1 i To Introduce our new lias of Summer Goods wa are offering noma startling bargains In out Mens yndarwear. Lava a very Ups BALBRIGGAN Derby Ribbed Underwear that 'T CM tOO we ara Bolling for QlaOO.

Is I I I I 1 If Also a fine Light CAMEL'S HAIR Undorweftr 1 that is just the thing for thla changeable tn 4 weather. These go for $1, too, Just to intro-, 1 00 dues them 01.00 PM i rv ft V4e f- THE i it WiseTraveler 1 1 In Salactlnft.yHla Railroad Route, 7s55pt3 the Road That affords excellent and most comfortable 'acuities M.AUERBACH&CO. NEW STORE No. 3, North Main ALL KIDNEY DISEASES, S. Tarchen Drug wholesale agent.

Helena, i wiiat Nerve Berries have done for others they wti do for yon, 1ST VIGOR or 161'H PAT. WEMliy, Ouiokhr Mo Permanently Restored. PAT. A positive eon Ini 11 PbllUy, and all their train of evil rmuliing from early error and Inter exoeei th result ol arerworii, iMneM, worry, 10. Develop ml give ami etreaglh to thaarsasl organ.

Slop unnatural limn nr nightly mulMlum oued by ynnthlui error or ex eewilvo us ol lubunm, nglncn and Ilsur, which load to consumption and Tbelr howrlainicillai I mi upon baring the (ennlue Mhl Convenient to rry In vest Their uee howrlainicillal Improvement rjl treatment, (ion, per bnrnleed tuenreany ram. It not kept by your druggist will send them by mall, upon r. elnt of price In plnlp rapper. Pamphlet fre. AMERICA MEDICAL CO.

Cluelunutl. O. For' Bala by Pope OConnor, Helena, Montana. tf Are two things which everybody 'i wants when he gives an order for Tiff. I JOB G.

INDEPL these requirements dn every 1 i spect It has added NT meets re- To Its already fine plartS'-and Is prepared 1 tQ execute ajty order from a Circus poster to'Oa Wed ding Card, without delayq WORK FOR fllNING COMPANIES Is a specialty on which we pride ourselves. We are already doing the work for the big Companies of Montana and Idaho, but we I still have room for more. s' 1 n. AAA Artistic Work. Low Prices.


S. Land Office. RdlehoJMont.y May 1895. 'V th, BOND CALL. Office of county clerk and recorder, Lewis and Clark county.

To Whom tt Mkyl Concern: The board ot county commlsloners of Lewis and Clarke county. In the state of; Montana, by virtue of a resolution duly adopted, do hereby give notice that on the 1st day of July, 1895, they will redeem and pay off, together with the accrued Interest on that date, the outstanding bonds of said county known ra court house bonds, to the amount of $190,000, at tho Third National bank in the city of New York. Bald court house bonds being of two issues, the first of $150,000, due July 1905, optional after July 1, 1891, and the second of $40,000, due May 1, 1907, optional after May, 1, 1893, both Issues bearing Interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the lat days of January and July, and both series being Issued for the purpose of paying for the erection of a court houee In said county, under the authority of the laws of Montana. The said court house bonds being now due and payable at the pleasure of Lewis and Clarke county, the holder thereof are notified that Interest on these bonds will cease on and after July 1, 1895, but that the county treasurer will at all times thereafter be ready to redeem the same on presentation, at thIr face value, and accrued Interest to July 1, 1895. By order of the board of county commissioners.

Attest: J. 8. TOOKER, County Clerk. First Insertion June 1, 1895. SHERIFFS SALE.

Mary M. Schenck, plaintiff. Vs. Helena Real Estate company, James P. Porter, William Muth and William E.

Cox, defendants. To be sold at sheriffs sale, on Saturday, the 15th day of June, 1895, at 12 oclock at tho front door of the court house. In the city of Helena, county of Lewis and Clarke, state of Montana, to the highest and best bidder for cash In hand, the following described property, to-wlt: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the county of Lewis and Clarke, state of Montana, to-wlt: The east one-half of the southeast quarter and the east one-half of the northeast quarter of section three (S), township ten (10) north, range four (4) west of tho principal meridian of Montana, containing one hundred and sixty acres, be the same more or less, together with alt and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining. 1 Dated Helena, May 22, 1895. J.

HENRY JURGENS, Sheriff. By FRED E. HOSS. Under Sheriff. H.

S. Hepner, attorney for plaintiff. 4 SHERIFFS SALE. William Smith, plaintiff, vs. J.

A. Good-hue, defendant. To be sold at sheriff's sale on Saturday, the 22(1 day of June, 1895, at 12 oclock at the front door of the court houee In the city of Helena, county of Lewis and Claike, state of Montana, to the highest and best bidder for cash In hsnd, the following described property, to-wlt: Lots numbered fifty-nine (59), sixty (60), slxty-one (61), sixty-four (64), sixty-five (65), sixty-six (66), sixty-seven (67) and eighty-four (84), Id block numbered two (2), of Helena townsite, as said lots and block are numbered, designated and described on the official plat of the said town-site on file in the office of the county clerk and recorder of the aaid county and state. Dated Helena, May 31, 1896. J.

HENRY JURQENS, Sheriff. BY FRED E. HOSS, Under Sheriff. McConnell, Clayberg Gunn, Plaintiff's Attorneys, SHERIFFS SALE. H.

R. Bobtnsoh, plaintiff, vs. C. C. boggle, Gilman Michael Relnlg, R.

A. Allen and Byron Humphrey, deft ndants. To be sold at sheriff's sale, on Wednesday, the 19th day of June, 1895, at 12 o'clock at the front door of the court house, In the city ot Helena, county of Lewis and Clarke, state ot Montana, to the highest and beat bidder for cash In hand, the following described property, to-wit: An undivided one-half of lots one 0), two (2 and three (3), in block thirty-four (31), In the town of East Helena, Lewis and Clarke county, atate of Montana. Together with a like interest In aH and singular the tenements and heredlta rr.ents thereon, or appertaining thereto, also all of lot four (4) In fold block, together with the tenements and hereditaments thereon or appertaining thereto. Dated Helena, May 25, 1895.

J. HENRY JUROENS, Sheriff. Dy FRED E. HOSS, Under Sheriff. A.

3. Cfaven, Plaintiffs Attorney. PROPOSALS i FOR MILITARY SUP. PLIES Office of Chief Q. M.

Dept qf Dakota, St, Paul, June 1, Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here, or at following named posts, and, at Helena, until 11 o'clock a. on July 1, 1895, and opened then, for furnishing and delivery of such OATS, BRAN, HAY and STRAW as may be required during the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1896, at St. Paul and Fort Snell lng. Forta Buford and Yates, N.

D.i Fort Meade, S. D. Helena and Forts A-Inlbolne, Custer, Keogh, Missoula and Camp MeVrltt. and Fort Yellow, stone, Wyo. Instructions furnished on ap plication here, or to the quartermaster at various points named.

JOHN V. FL'KEY Q. U. B. Chief 4).

M. WE This wry at greatly reduoad ot tha houao, that wo have marked at $1.00 and On New number approved ahspea. Tba remainder aaorlfloa. Our atook la iq Montana. RALEIGH Providence Sunday Journal.) New York, May 33.

There arc fain out men and geniuses who art good fellow, When J. M. Barrie Invented the Idea of having a Scotch yokel plan home for geniuses, wherein they could be kept awpy 'from the public and taught useful labor and made to go to bed at nine o'clock every night, doubtless a great many persons thought the Idea a good one. They especially liked that part of tt which promised to keep the geniuses sequestered, ad that their Irritability, their monstrous' egotism and thelr airs and affectations might not be thrust upon a helpless publlo, But not all our geniuses stand tn need of such asylum, 'Eugene Field, Theodore Roosevelt, Whltoonpb Riley, Henry C. Bunner, Owen Wlster, not to mention half a dozen others are JuM as modest and unassuming fellow's as if they were engaged In ordinary pursuits.

I came to think of thfls by thinking of Eugene Field. I have been visiting him lately, and I have been striking his trail at a good many places between New York, New Orleans, St. Louts and Milwaukee. Everywhere I find his personality admired quite as warmly as his works, and that Is saying a great deaL Everywhere I And thatgood 'women and good and bad children and even large house dogs, and in one place a large donkey, all love him eo that he Is one of the few geniuses In the world whose personal fame Is Independent of his works, and has gone further than they have. He la altogether a curious fellow.

If tt was not that James Whitcomb Riley is also a money-making pcet, Mr. Field would be almost unique In the fact that he makes money out of true poetry. There are Tuppers In both this country and England who make money out of bad poetry, but as a rule when a poet and a publisher meet, the publisher says, Im sorry for you. If you will Insist on being printed, you must foot the bills yourself." Mr. Field has Just bought a grand old place at Buena Park, the prettiest of the suburbs of Chicago, and Is modernising and beautifying It as if he wag a member of some great pork packing flrvn and hadmtmey to burn.

In the meantime he lives near by in a pretty rented cottage, surrounded by nice people who like literature in the evening when it does not Interfere with business. Into their houses Mr. Field drops unbidden, whenever he likes, and Is always welcome. I Imagine him saying to his beautiful wife, who is to him what Julia was to the poet Herrick, "My dear, do I understand that you ar, going to have planked whiteflsh for dinner? Then I will run over to Mr. Macdonalds or around to Mrs.

Kings and see what sort of dinners they are having, for I am really tired of whiteflsh." He enjoys the ornaments and fads and luxuries of the establishments of his friends In a way quite his own, just as much as their owners do, and he calls In ail his friends when he lights upon some pretty and tare old embellishment for hla house and bids them share his delight with him. He is a double-dyed fiend at collecting odd things and he has a most catholic taste, so that nothing that is rare and pretty comes amiss in his net. Theodore Havemeyer collects porcelain and pictures, James Hill, of tne Great Northern railroad, goes In for furs and precious stones, George W. Childs loved clocks, Charles A. Dana focuses his heart on ceramics; even I am stark mad on Indian relics and ortentar art; but Eugene Field goes In for everything.

I remember his corning back from Boston one day and unpacking his trophies in a bed room In a New York hotel. And lo! the floor, the chairs, the bed and the table were presently running over with candlesticks, plate warmers, porringers, warming Pkhs. bellowses, delft, pewter, clocks, samplers and heaven only knows what' Imagine? wtyit his home must be. It is a crowded museum with cabinets full qf the strangest collections of bottles, chlnaware, cut glass, shiny old pewter, heavy plate and pretty knickkracks of every sort. And on the walls aro odd clocks and play bills and engravings, end on the shelves are other oddities, apjhat wherever the eye turqs It meets a host of the materialized echoes of days and folk gone by.

And among all these things Field moves, an erratic, nervous, forceful fellow, bubbling with fun, crackling with humor, irrepressible in practical Jok. lng, sentimental. Ironical, busy as a mouse In a box of cheese, aaevery American who lives by his pen and his brain must be to make an extra dollar In these days. He Is especially busy because he has not yet screwed up his courage to drop his connection with the newspapers and live by his creative work alone. He Is under a contract to fill a column In a dally paper and It IS a task that brings him In a competence so that he could live well if he did nothing else.

But It is a fearful grind, a Sin bad of the sea upon any mans shoulders no matter how great a genius he Is. To know that Mr. Field does this and then to see him night after night, with children and ladles surrounding hint while he ripples out story and. verse and epigrams, Is to me one of the marvels of the day. Great-heavens! How many of tha readers of the Journal have any conception of what it Is to keep up any department In this fresh and full and bright and excellent, 365 days, or even 52 Sundays In each year? It is only lately that one of the Imperious kings of the newspaper press cabled me from his residence In Europe to take charge of his Sunday paper at once, it happened that I did not know the gentleman, wasn't passing my hat around for a Job, so that his order struck me as a piece of amusing Impertinence.

He was put at ease with his conscience, I suppose, by the fact that be offered what he considered a good alary for the work. Since that day I have looked at his Sunday paper 1th new Interest, in order to judge what I would have had to do for the income that was put within my grasp. Now It Is a difficult task, beyond the average readers comprehension, to produce a Sunday Issue of a high class, serious and valuable Journal like this one, or like the New York Sun, but when it comes to binding ones self to get out a high pressure, oven Seasoned, morbid, crazy, arc light, triple expansion thing like one of the sensational dallies o- till era, the feat becomes superhuman. Even If a man were willing to sell Ills self-respect and vitiate his mind and morals, and pillory himself before tha public as the manager of such an unwholesome product, he would have to be a very ingenious, fertile and buoyant person to accomplish the task for any length of time. So well do the traders In this sort of goods understand the difficulties of the place that one of tbem will not make a contract with his men, and another does not hesitate to lllng his men away like sucked-out oranges as soon as their freshness pales and their vigor tires.

They taka on new men as If they were brooms that wear smooth after a little while and then must be thrown to -the ash barrel. thq poor devils ai That traverses a delightful and plotur eeque portion of tha country Tha MU. waukee. That has and merits the reputation ot strength and reUablllty Tha Milwaukee. That enjoys popularity and la stamped with publlo approval The Milwaukee.11 That has a substantial roadbed and most frequent train service Tha Milwaukee.

That regards, always, tha comfort, ease and safety of Ita patvonir MUwau-' kee. That furnishes tha latest private' ora-psrtmont cars and latest horary-buffet making cars The Milwaukee. 1 That furnishes elegant drawing room parlor cars, free reclining choir cars and umpluou dining cars "Tha That has exclusive use of th Oleotrla Lerth reading lamp "Tha Milwaukee 1 'Tha Milwaukee" combines all the ahov and more, toa Ita trains are vestlbuled heated by (team, eleolrio lighted and unsurpassed In luxurious appointments' 1 -The Immortal Lincoln said: "Follow the people and you cannot be far from right. Tha people us Tha Milwaukee," SUMMONS. In the district court of the first judicial district the state of Montano, in and for the county of Lewis and Clarke.

William H. Gardner, plaintiff, vs, Jennie Gardner, defendant. The state of Montana eenfis greeting to the above-named defendant. You are hereby required to appear tn an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff In the district court of the first Judicial district of the state of Montana, in and for the county of Lewis and Clarke, and to answer th complaint filed therein, Within 10 days (exclusive of the day of service) after the service on you of this summons, tf served within this county: or. If served out of this county, but within this district within 20 days; otherwise within 40 days, or judgment by default will be taken against you, according to the prayer of said complaint.

The said action (s brought to dl-solve the bonds of matrimony neretofore and now existing between tho plaintiff herein and yourself, on the ground that you did, In the month of August, 1894, commit adultery (with one Frank at the house of the said Frank Perl'nger, In the county of Jefferson, stat of Montana. Also that you did, on divers days and times between tho 1st day of April, 1894, and the commencement of this action, commit adultery with the said Frank Perllnger at the place above mentioned, and at and In the vlolnity of the residence of this plaintiff. In the said county of Jefferson, state of Montana. And you are hereby notified that unless yoli so appear and answer the eald complaint, as above required, the said plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint Given under my hand and the seal of the district tourt of the first judlc'al district of the etate of Montana, In and for the county of Lewis and Clarke this 15th day of May, In tha year of pur Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. JOHN BEAN, By H.

J. CASEDY, Deputy Clerk. Endorsed: Lewis Penwell, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication, May 14, 1896. SHERIFFS SALE.

Ella Parker Johnson, plaintiff,) vs. Herbert B. Reed, Mamie G. Reed, and The New York and Helena Land company, defendants. To he sold at sheriffs sale on Saturday, the 22d day of June, 1895, at 12 o'clock at the front door of the court house In the city of Helena, county of Lewis and Clarke, atate of Montana, to the highest nd best bidder for cash In hand, the following described property, to-wlt: The west ten (10) feet of lot numbered thirty (3Q) and all of lota numbered thirty-one (31) and thirty-two (32), In block forty-six (46), as said lots and blocks ara numbered, designated and described on the official plat and survey of the Broadwater addition to the city of Helena, county of Lewis and Clarke and atate Of Montana, now on file In the office of the county clerk and recorder of tha said county of Lewis and Clarke, state of Montana.

Dated Helena, May 81, 1895. I J. HENRY JURGENS, Sheriff. By FRED E. HOSS.

i Under Sheriff. G. McIntyre, Plaintiff's Attorney. I7AL TiBLITfl, prmfled and pftinhtl menstruation. cum fur sup 11 female irrruunlir, hold with a Wtlltn falttitM to Con Snd2e tamp (or paruiulanand (or Iddirt," on havnw TM 8yt Inivrml T81ti (Sd Ortvi Irud) Mrm Vsx N-SOlii.

Sill. Id. T-w 1 iHd r.o. In, HIM. S- t-rt For sol by Pops OConnor, Melon Montano.

In lots of 500 Cigars delivered free to any part of the State. Will also sell 500 Cigars, assorted brands, at wholesale prices. Bar Fixtures supplied at the shortest notice. So. 3 S.

Main St. Tel. 122. A flelena, Montana. RIPANS TABULES Are Just an old, old remedy la this new shape.

Doctors have always given this prescription in water 1 We have them in this shape simply for their handiness. WPAV8 UBDLF8 rro Ilk tn x.iiKlur going or hJ IX suit powerful machinery (Ivina 1 IHtl neoMarry lubricating to the naedful 1 1 A I lABULtS do till for TOO. Constipation, Dizziness, Nausea, Dvspepila and Mnl.Nutrltlou II ylld to Rlptns Tabule. At Pt-w Utoro or tent hy Mall for I labpruuiSt. New York FOR YEARS AND YEARS Th North-Western tine has been th Shortest Una between Minneapolis, 8c Paul and CUIcuzo.

its roadbed la Incomparable and every Improvement In the way of equipment has been adopted by It until to-day Ita train ar the most cora-pliteiy equipped train out of the Twin Ulies. Everywhere good management bout Jlself in first class equipment, th Rest Service and everything els whloh goes to make travel comfortable nowa-d. Yes, th North-Western Liu Is strictly In It everywhere and at every rotnt on Its 7. 90S mil of road. Tba Lum-ermun, Minneapolis.

Bucklens Arnica Salve. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required, it is guaranteed to gt perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by the Parchen Pi ug Company. Chicago, June 3. The June crop report of the Orange Judd Farmer, published this week, based on data up 'to May 27, makes the average condition of winter wheat 71.5, or 13 points short of last month, the heaviest drop In condition ever recorded In a single month.

Are You Insured 7 I If not, now Is the time to provide yourself and family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as an Insurance against any serious results from an attack of bowel complaint during the summer months. It Is almost certain to be needed and should biyrocured at once, No other remedy can lake its place or do Its work. Twenty-five and 60 cent bottles for sale by hll druggist. James Otis, an autAoi'lty on American gems, says that with the exception of the diamond and emerald every preo loUs stone may be found In Maine. The Pine Tree state Is rich in topazes, garnets, amythysts, pearls and rubles, and her tourmalines are famous throughout the world.

Eight years ago Austria paid $22,000 for a tourmaline found at Mount Mica, Maine, and to-day It fills a prominent place among the crown Jewels of that monarchy. A Small Doctor Bill. Fifty cents Is a small doctor bill, but that Is all It will cost you to cure afly ordinary case of rheumatism if you use Chamberlains Pain Balm. Try it and you w'lll be surprised at the prompt relief It affords. Th first application will quiet the pain.

Fifty 'tent bottles for sale by all druggists. Lima, Peru, June 3. A tidal wave has occurred on the north Pacific coast of Peru and the cable between Callao and Arlca la broken. Much damage has occurred at Mollendo, which is also a cable station 1 Do You Keep House? If so, you cannot afford to be without a bottle of Park' Cough Byrup where It will be handy. Unequalled In croup, whooping cough and the disagreeable colds to which children are subject.

Bold by Parchen Drug company. i The girls normal school Is to fly weather signals. They will need to. bo fast colors to keep up with the weather changes these days. Many who have felt badly In the early summer have been recuperated by Hood's Sarsaparilla.

J. T. CONLEY, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Bt. Paul, Minn. Nets Five (rains dally from Twin Clt-lea to Cblcata)' one to Bt, Louis and ono to Kansas City.

i Room No. SIB. Power liock. Postoffioo Box 111, H-lana, Moat. rge ay filed mining laws of congress, for the old Amber lode mining claim, designated a' survey No.

4,619, situated in the Belt unorganised mining district, Meagher Munty, Mon tana, in unsurveyed lownshk) No. 11 north of range fio 1 east, whgSiflalm Is recorded In the offloe of the recorder ot Meagher county, at White Sulphur Springs, and described as follows, to-wlt: Said survey No. beginning at corner No. 1, from which the U. 8.

location monument No. Of this dls-trict bears north degrees six minutes, west 1151.2 feet and running thence north 89 degrees 44 mlnutas eat 1,297 feet to coiner No. thence south 12 degrees 34 minutes west 487 feet-to corner No. thence south 84 degrees $4 minutes west 1329.5 ft. to corner No.

thence north 12 degrees 36 minutes east (10 feet to corner No. 1, the place of beginning, containing an area of 15 92 acres, upon which a notice of said application was posted on the KtH day of April, 1895. are no known conflicting claims. The Isdjolnlng claims to these premises are the Security lode, on the east, the Crown Jewrl lode, unurvcyed on the north, and the Pride of Montana lode, unaurveyed, on the wet, corse Averlll claimant of all. W.

E. COX, Register. Date of first publication. May 10, U95, Notice Is hereby given, that 'Go Averlll, of York, Monts Fastthlxsbf tyliir tile NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tha district court of the First Judicial district pf state of Montand, In and for the county of Lewis and Clarke.

Estate ot John Donaldson, deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the under-slgnpd, administratrix of the estate of John P. Donaldson, deceased, to thecred- Itors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of thla notice, to the said administratrix, at tha law office of Maseena Bullard, room I Gold block, In the city of Helena, county of Lewla and Clarke, state of Montana, tha same being the place for the transaction of the business of sold estate In the county of Lewis and dark. Dated May 11, 1895. BETBY DONALDSON, Administratrix of th estate of John DolUon.

deceased i.

The Independent-Record from Helena, Montana (2024)


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.